
✨ Suhyun Sim 심수현 ✨

| Poogle 푸글


G’Day! 👋

I am Suhyun Sim, studying Back-End development(Java, Spring, Data JPA, JWT, MySQL, AWS) from South Korea.
I am passionate about solving real world problems and sharing what I learned with others.
If you want to contact me, please feel free to leave me a message!

Thanks for reading!


프로그래머스 K-Digital Training: 클라우드 기반 백엔드 엔지니어링 2021.08 ~ 2021.12.24

42 Seoul 이노베이션아카데미 2020.11 ~ 2021.05

코드스쿼드 마스터즈 코스 2020.01 - 2020.06

숙명여자대학교 2014.03 ~ 2021.02

Deakin University 2016.06 ~ 2016.12